
Hope for the Hopeless? (music video)

At last I thought to return to YouTube to search for Brett Dennen's performance on David Letterman from a while back. You see, when the music (and the beat) combine with apples-of-gold-in-pictures-of-silver lyrics that actually say something on behalf of human kind, the song often becomes a perennial favorite of mine.

Here, Heaven is performed live on Letterman and if you're unfamiliar with the song's message, perhaps you'll give a listen!

This song debuted pre-Occupy days, of course, but its message seems quite applicable to 99%/1% issues to this particular blogger whose nature is to operate within a Common Good persuasion.

Plus, here's another version of Heaven which I posted about 3 years ago including an interview with Brett Dennen if you're curious.


Now updated: Stars Over Washington. Politics. Tiresome. Agreed. But we look away from the varmints at our and our children's peril. Plus, through the lens of Astrology we may spy many squirmy little things wiggling behind the door...

Two WordPress Astro-Blogs I Cheer For: Julie Demboski's Astrology and Auntie Moon. Both ladies regularly provide excellent insights and useful information inspired by The Cosmos--on behalf of us all!


Sabbath Day Feb 4, 2012 at Jude Cowell Art

Today is Sabbath, the Seventh Day of the week in spite of what any hierarchical church leaders allege. And for some reason I feel like posting a bit of artwork here in a minute. Not sure which image to use so I'll mosey and search for something for you...

Ha! Since it's rainy & cloudy in Northeast Georgia at the moment, perhaps something with a first raindrop falling down...?

A Fairy's Secret Valley...click for a gallery of Children's, Botanical, Moon, and Cosmic Art images and I hope you'll share any one you enjoy with my compliments!

Jude Cowell


Visit Jude Cowell Art Studio for 24/7 browsing!

Other suggestions may include: Stars Over Washington, Jude's Threshold, and Sepia Art Theater, dahlink!


A blip in false reality? Philip K. Dick on the Real "Matrix" (video)

Don't know if both readers of this blog have any interest in the narrative of a false reality such as author Philip K. Dick writes of in Blade Runner (my personal favorite) and The Matrix, but here he is speaking at a convention in 1977 (the year of Chiron's discovery!)

Perhaps I can snoop out the exact date he spoke and possibly outed the true "Matrix" because I'd like to compare the planets on that day with Mr. Dick's natal planets, you know? See what influences were prevailing for him then...

And yes, I do think that *Chiron, discovered at 3Tau08--'4Tau' = "A Rainbow's Pot of Gold" is significant to the topic of false reality. The Sabian Symbol for '4Tau' is about blending the celestial with the earthly and the lasting benefits that derive therefrom. Taurus is an Earth sign (practical; materialism) and is nicknamed The Builder, The Architect, and The Gardener.

The Taurean motto is I Grow and architects of our false reality know just what I'm talkin' 'bout! Then we have politicians and in particular Washington DC politicians who are the political arm of the Great Enterprise.

All in all, we could go on about these things but to sum up I'd have to say, It's our separation from God that is at the root of all our problems, depressions, and delusions.

Until a person becomes aware of that basic Truth and how distant they have become from The Source of All Life, then every human construct is false and unstable.

Now here's a theatrical trailer for Blade Runner, a moody-rainy film with a tale set in Los Angeles 2019--just 7 brief years from now...as 'Science Fiction' morphs into something substantial--something predicted in science fiction writers' novels...

If you're curious, view an astrodatabank image of P.K. Dick's natal horoscope here.

Born December 16, 1928 @ 12:15 pm in Chicago, Illinois, Mr. Dick's natal horoscope shows Uranus rising (ability to cope w anything--FDR was born w Uranus rising as well), Mars Rx at IC (Endings), and a close conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius, and Mercury/Saturn contacts are the 'signature of the professional writer," as Noel Tyl once said.

Plus, it feels synchronistic to me that as of recently, a transiting midpoint picture is once again formed between Jupiter (growth!), Neptune (fantasy!), and Uranus, planet of Futurism and Genius...

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: the contrast of imagination v reality!

So do come visit me at Stars Over Washington when you can for Politics through Astrology's lens since that's where I mainly hang out online!

*Chiron returns to 3Tau08 in the years 2027 and 2028.


An Artist's Portrait of Gene Tierney

Is it overly brazen of me to publish my pencil portrait of actress Gene Tierney drawn in 1982? That's thirty years ago! Oh, well. Here I go celebrating the beginning of 2012 with an antique image from 1982...because I always thought Ms. Tierney was one of the prettiest actresses around!

Gene Tierney's Wiki page states that she was "acclaimed as one of the great beauties of her day" or some such flattery. Check out the scoop on the star of the film Laura which still makes it into the Top Ten of many a movie buff's list!

Well, this may be my first post of 2012 on Two Hours, but with all that's going on in Politics, you know I'm often to be found at my primary Political Astrology blog Stars Over Washington, or alternately at Jude's Threshold, right? ;p


'Tis the Season? Hallelujah Chorus flash mob! video

So you're having lunch at the mall, minding your own business, when suddenly...

And you know the Good News about it all? Christ Will reign forever!


Warm thanks to Alex D'Atria for sending along a link to this inspiring video. Happy Holidays, Everyone--and more flash mobs, please!


A Sunlight-Dappled Kitty Cat! (+ Politics)

Zounds! It's hard to believe it's been four (busy) months since my last 2 Hours post so here is a sunlight-dappled Zasha lookin' mighty fine and a little snoozy!

Photo snapped by my fiberista yarn-loving daughter Maya Henderson.


So where have I been blogging in the last four months?

Mainly at my Political Astrology website Stars Over Washington where you don't have to speak Astrologese to read what the stars have to say about Politics and politicians! Today's update: the natal horoscope (shown) of the GOP's anti-tax-hike political strategist Grover Norquist which will be 'hit' by the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse in chatty, news-reporting Gemini--near US natal Mars.

As you know, all eclipses are considered 'wild cards' of the Universe and have the option to uncover secrets and scandals so stay tuned for that!

All Political Astrology is Mundane Astrology but not all Mundane Astrology is Political Astrology.


Eric Cantor, debt talks, and astro-blogging

The continuing 'debt talks' and debt default negotiations currently going on at the White House between Starve the Beast Republicans and President Obama have consumed what little blogging time I've had this week so I have not been hanging about here at 2Hrs lately. Mea culpa!

Of course, if America defaults on her debts on August 2, 2011 and the US credit rating is downgraded, no blogging may occur depending on results of the alleged dire consequences for our nation's economy and for the daily lives of our citizens. All the turmoil makes the economic situation a huge topic for bloggers, journalists, and pundits of all stripes which makes it easy as pie to find pro'n'con articles, blog posts, and op-eds by tossing a browser in any direction on the Web.

Then yesterday it occurred to me that a peek at the natal chart of Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor might provide an interesting cache of insights into the debt talks and what are said to be huffy 'walk outs' from the White House meetings, another of which occurred or will occur today, July 15, 2011. (A meeting, hopefully not a walk-out.)

Many of my own opinions about the economic crisis now roiling the US capital (and markets) are already formed at my advanced age yet I do like to snag further information on such topics from folks like Thom Hartmann, a progressive broadcaster of good repute, and my favorite go-to guy.

In a similar news vein, Democracy Now! fills the bill for gaining a clearer view of events than what corporate mainstream media provides us, and you may wish to check out Amy Goodman's excellent reporting there if you haven't.

Videos of current and past broadcasts are available on both sites.

So if either of you wish to 'get to know' Rep. Eric Cantor a little better (or think perhaps you should for apparently he'll be with us a while) through an astrological lens, try my latest post with his natal horoscope shown over @ Stars Over Washington where Cantor's 'special-task/crisis/crossroads' YOD pattern is detailed along with his my-way-or-the-highway Mars/Uranus conjunction in Virgo, sign of The Critic.

Oh, and Mr. Cantor's natal Pluto in Virgo sets off two of Mr. Obama's natal midpoints involving feisty Mars. Follow the link in my SO'W post to my other Political Astrology blog Jude's Threshold and read the midpoint pictures formed plus, this is where I've written about Mr. Cantor's Sun in Gemini--Moon in Sagittarius personality blend: and yes, Eric Cantor is a quite 'live-wire'!


A Bach Cantata in the Woods? (video)

The following video is so amazing I had to share! It's good for tree huggers and music lovers alike (though it's actually a Touch Wood cell phone ad.)

Now if mankind can be this ingenious, perhaps there's hope yet for resolving our environmental and social ills!