The continuing 'debt talks' and debt default negotiations currently going on at the White House between Starve the Beast Republicans and President Obama have consumed what little blogging time I've had this week so I have not been hanging about here at 2Hrs lately. Mea culpa!
Of course, if America defaults on her debts on August 2, 2011 and the US credit rating is downgraded, no blogging may occur depending on results of the alleged dire consequences for our nation's economy and for the daily lives of our citizens. All the turmoil makes the economic situation a huge topic for bloggers, journalists, and pundits of all stripes which makes it easy as pie to find pro'n'con articles, blog posts, and op-eds by tossing a browser in any direction on the Web.
Then yesterday it occurred to me that a peek at the natal chart of Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor might provide an interesting cache of insights into the debt talks and what are said to be huffy 'walk outs' from the White House meetings, another of which occurred or will occur today, July 15, 2011. (A meeting, hopefully not a walk-out.)
Many of my own opinions about the economic crisis now roiling the US capital (and markets) are already formed at my advanced age yet I do like to snag further information on such topics from folks like Thom Hartmann, a progressive broadcaster of good repute, and my favorite go-to guy.
In a similar news vein, Democracy Now! fills the bill for gaining a clearer view of events than what corporate mainstream media provides us, and you may wish to check out Amy Goodman's excellent reporting there if you haven't.
Videos of current and past broadcasts are available on both sites.
So if either of you wish to 'get to know' Rep. Eric Cantor a little better (or think perhaps you should for apparently he'll be with us a while) through an astrological lens, try my latest post with his natal horoscope shown over @ Stars Over Washington where Cantor's 'special-task/crisis/crossroads' YOD pattern is detailed along with his my-way-or-the-highway Mars/Uranus conjunction in Virgo, sign of The Critic.
Oh, and Mr. Cantor's natal Pluto in Virgo sets off two of Mr. Obama's natal midpoints involving feisty Mars. Follow the link in my SO'W post to my other Political Astrology blog Jude's Threshold and read the midpoint pictures formed plus, this is where I've written about Mr. Cantor's Sun in Gemini--Moon in Sagittarius personality blend: and yes, Eric Cantor is a quite 'live-wire'!
~a tapestry blog woven from a variety of threads including Art, Astrology, Music, Videos, News, Diet, Politics, and Culture~
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Eric Cantor, debt talks, and astro-blogging
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
Democracy Now,
Eric Cantor,
July 2011 debt talks,
Mundane Astrology,
Natal Astrology,
Pluto in Virgo,
Political Astrology,
President Obama,
Stars Over Washington,
Thom Hartmann,
US debt crisis
April 2, 2010: YOD patterns for desperate situations
Whew! I just got my socks knocked off by reading Julie Demboski's God's To-Do List column now posted for April 2, 2010.
You see, chart-studying and blogging time in the last 2 weeks has been brief around here, yet I had wanted to delve more deeply into the current (yet waning) transiting YOD pattern (Finger of God: 2 or more planets sextile at the base and inconjunct or pointing to an apex planets/s; in this case the apex planet is Saturn, now re-crossing US natal MC in the Sibly chart - MC 00Lib53; Saturn is the planet of government, law, and business...this 'personalizes' the YOD for the US and makes it angular - able to manifest in the outer world, 10th cusp.)
As you know, YODs indicate a special task or purpose, a crisis, and/or a critical situation where square pegs must fit into round holes. They may have a 'genius' flavor to them as well for they facilitate the 'thinking outside the box' that can make the unwieldy peg fit.
Astrologer Erin Sullivan was the first person to alert me to the meaning and importance of YODs when she told of her realization that they symbolize the silver book marker of the Torah - a 'finger' showing where the next reading should be taken up. Thus the pattern's sacred and karmic flavor.
Often a harbinger of unfinished 'family myths' (for descendants to 'take up' in their lifetimes and complete, another good reason to know about one's natal chart!), and possibly pointing to health threats in a chart, we might expect mundane charts to show a desperate situation or two where YODs exist. Perhaps its 'special task or purpose' is more emphasized in national charts - and we definitely have a plethora of desperate situations to wrestle with.
Now you may be tempted to think, how bad can this YOD be when the base is a lovely sextile between Mercury and Neptune? Well, besides the general descriptions of Mercury/Neptune as 'deceit in communications' or 'messages/thoughts that inspire', etc, we may look to Michael Munkasey for political and business implications of Mercury/Neptune...
Leaders who can communicate their visions of growth and progress; a legislature that controls the excesses and dreams of its leaders; an enterprise that debates about its future; weak or artificial plans that must be rethought or redesigned; a leader who mesmerizes people with delusions of progress or growth (yowch! the president resembles that remark but so do other politicians - jc); an inability to bring reality into planning and productivity.
And what does Noel Tyl say about the midpoint picture formed by the apex-Saturn YOD which is now, thankfully, passing?
Mercury/Neptune = Saturn: a gloomy reaction to real or imagined circumstances; looking at the downside of things which may or may not be valid.
Now when you read Julie's column for April 2 you'll notice her mention of today's Moon reaching 00Sag. And when Luna enters Sagittarius, she will form for a while today the base of a YOD with Saturn and pointing to an apex Mercury 00Tau+ - two interlaced YODs to thicken the plot!
The combo of Moon/Saturn = an exercise of power by the common people; institutions that oversee and coordinate commerce, agriculture, or business conditions; statistics on production efficiency; an inability of an enterprise to grasp the intentions or needs of the people; lack of output or production from manufacturing and agricultural sectors of the economy; practical vs theoretical economics.
(As always with mdpt pics, any, all, or none may apply.)
And the picture:
Moon/Saturn = Mercury: promotion of ideas on how to offer better financial or material protections; education that teaches practical business approaches or routines; prudence; maturity; a sense of duty. (Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey.)
Well, I just finished keeping half an ear on what President Obama was saying in North Carolina (C-SPAN Live) and the above pictures and YODs came to mind. But as far as your personal life goes, please check out Julie's article for her clear insights and suggestions because with Julie, I promise you won't be disappointed!

Image: Mask of the Cosmos, a visonary drawing by Jude Cowell.
Whew! I just got my socks knocked off by reading Julie Demboski's God's To-Do List column now posted for April 2, 2010.
You see, chart-studying and blogging time in the last 2 weeks has been brief around here, yet I had wanted to delve more deeply into the current (yet waning) transiting YOD pattern (Finger of God: 2 or more planets sextile at the base and inconjunct or pointing to an apex planets/s; in this case the apex planet is Saturn, now re-crossing US natal MC in the Sibly chart - MC 00Lib53; Saturn is the planet of government, law, and business...this 'personalizes' the YOD for the US and makes it angular - able to manifest in the outer world, 10th cusp.)
As you know, YODs indicate a special task or purpose, a crisis, and/or a critical situation where square pegs must fit into round holes. They may have a 'genius' flavor to them as well for they facilitate the 'thinking outside the box' that can make the unwieldy peg fit.
Astrologer Erin Sullivan was the first person to alert me to the meaning and importance of YODs when she told of her realization that they symbolize the silver book marker of the Torah - a 'finger' showing where the next reading should be taken up. Thus the pattern's sacred and karmic flavor.
Often a harbinger of unfinished 'family myths' (for descendants to 'take up' in their lifetimes and complete, another good reason to know about one's natal chart!), and possibly pointing to health threats in a chart, we might expect mundane charts to show a desperate situation or two where YODs exist. Perhaps its 'special task or purpose' is more emphasized in national charts - and we definitely have a plethora of desperate situations to wrestle with.
Now you may be tempted to think, how bad can this YOD be when the base is a lovely sextile between Mercury and Neptune? Well, besides the general descriptions of Mercury/Neptune as 'deceit in communications' or 'messages/thoughts that inspire', etc, we may look to Michael Munkasey for political and business implications of Mercury/Neptune...
Leaders who can communicate their visions of growth and progress; a legislature that controls the excesses and dreams of its leaders; an enterprise that debates about its future; weak or artificial plans that must be rethought or redesigned; a leader who mesmerizes people with delusions of progress or growth (yowch! the president resembles that remark but so do other politicians - jc); an inability to bring reality into planning and productivity.
And what does Noel Tyl say about the midpoint picture formed by the apex-Saturn YOD which is now, thankfully, passing?
Mercury/Neptune = Saturn: a gloomy reaction to real or imagined circumstances; looking at the downside of things which may or may not be valid.
Now when you read Julie's column for April 2 you'll notice her mention of today's Moon reaching 00Sag. And when Luna enters Sagittarius, she will form for a while today the base of a YOD with Saturn and pointing to an apex Mercury 00Tau+ - two interlaced YODs to thicken the plot!
The combo of Moon/Saturn = an exercise of power by the common people; institutions that oversee and coordinate commerce, agriculture, or business conditions; statistics on production efficiency; an inability of an enterprise to grasp the intentions or needs of the people; lack of output or production from manufacturing and agricultural sectors of the economy; practical vs theoretical economics.
(As always with mdpt pics, any, all, or none may apply.)
And the picture:
Moon/Saturn = Mercury: promotion of ideas on how to offer better financial or material protections; education that teaches practical business approaches or routines; prudence; maturity; a sense of duty. (Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey.)
Well, I just finished keeping half an ear on what President Obama was saying in North Carolina (C-SPAN Live) and the above pictures and YODs came to mind. But as far as your personal life goes, please check out Julie's article for her clear insights and suggestions because with Julie, I promise you won't be disappointed!

Image: Mask of the Cosmos, a visonary drawing by Jude Cowell.
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
Julie Demboski Astrology,
Mask of the Cosmos,
Michael Munkasey,
midpoint pictures,
Mundane Astrology,
Political Astrology,
President Obama,
Does McChrystal leak put Obama in a box?
Well, I'm certain you've heard of what a bad and freakish Monday this has been for the White House after President Obama's remarks about sending more US troops to Afghanistan on Meet the Press yesterday have been characterized as 'wobbling' and undersecretary of defense Michelle Flournoy has had to defend the president's idea to put "strategy over resources."
This has the mainstream media and the blogosphere all afluffle with journalistic giddiness, while the GOP smells political blood in the White House. They can't smell the thousands of gallons of blood they've callously spilled in the Middle East, but they can smell Dem blood over the swampy stench of Washington.
So with what may be a method of applying pressure to the president, Stanley McChrystal - or his staff, as this report by Josh Rogin points out - 'leaked' a memo of McChrystal's assessment predicting failure of the whole Afghan venture if more troops were not forthcoming.
Or did McChrystal mean the whole venture of controlling oil and expansion of American imperialism in the entire Middle East including Iraq? Well, I didn't read the memo although you'll find it linked in Mr. Rogin's article. (I'm blogging in a rush against possible power failure here due to lightening and storm - Atlanta is pretty much flooded out - don't go there.)
Yet perhaps one of the more troubling things around here to come from McChrystal's 'leak' (if indeed such it was), is that a wayward rhyming muse alighted heavily upon my shoulder a while ago, and since current storms have neutralized my TV satellite (Tom Delay 'dancing' while seeing stars or not), I'm just bored enough to type it for you here.
So please pardon me in advance, if you can, and set your Groan Meter as low as it goes for...'Afghanistan':
Barack Obama in a box
Afghanistan is like a pox
upon his presidency new
he'd escalate but how and who?
McChrystal memo quite a dud
to land with such a dullish thud
on White House roof and in the hall
Obamaites are right to squall
Since change and hope he touted wide
we'd choose to have the peaceful side
but will the US ever see
an end to war economy?
Though pressure's on to send more troops
our US system has the droops
there are no jobs for every man
returning from Afghanistan.
Jude Cowell 9.21.09 8:49 pm edt
Well, I'm certain you've heard of what a bad and freakish Monday this has been for the White House after President Obama's remarks about sending more US troops to Afghanistan on Meet the Press yesterday have been characterized as 'wobbling' and undersecretary of defense Michelle Flournoy has had to defend the president's idea to put "strategy over resources."
This has the mainstream media and the blogosphere all afluffle with journalistic giddiness, while the GOP smells political blood in the White House. They can't smell the thousands of gallons of blood they've callously spilled in the Middle East, but they can smell Dem blood over the swampy stench of Washington.
So with what may be a method of applying pressure to the president, Stanley McChrystal - or his staff, as this report by Josh Rogin points out - 'leaked' a memo of McChrystal's assessment predicting failure of the whole Afghan venture if more troops were not forthcoming.
Or did McChrystal mean the whole venture of controlling oil and expansion of American imperialism in the entire Middle East including Iraq? Well, I didn't read the memo although you'll find it linked in Mr. Rogin's article. (I'm blogging in a rush against possible power failure here due to lightening and storm - Atlanta is pretty much flooded out - don't go there.)
Yet perhaps one of the more troubling things around here to come from McChrystal's 'leak' (if indeed such it was), is that a wayward rhyming muse alighted heavily upon my shoulder a while ago, and since current storms have neutralized my TV satellite (Tom Delay 'dancing' while seeing stars or not), I'm just bored enough to type it for you here.
So please pardon me in advance, if you can, and set your Groan Meter as low as it goes for...'Afghanistan':
Barack Obama in a box
Afghanistan is like a pox
upon his presidency new
he'd escalate but how and who?
McChrystal memo quite a dud
to land with such a dullish thud
on White House roof and in the hall
Obamaites are right to squall
Since change and hope he touted wide
we'd choose to have the peaceful side
but will the US ever see
an end to war economy?
Though pressure's on to send more troops
our US system has the droops
there are no jobs for every man
returning from Afghanistan.
Jude Cowell 9.21.09 8:49 pm edt
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
Atlanta GA,
political poetry,
President Obama,
Returning from Afghanistan,
Stanley McChrystal leak,
White House
D-Day 1944 marked by a US Uranus Return!
With 65th-anniversary ceremonies in France today and President Obama in attendance, I took a peek at a few Astrology charts and found that D-Day June 6, 1944 fell into a year of America's Uranus Return (May 30, 1944.)
Our nation's Uranus Return of 1944 occurred on a day when the Sun was conjunct our nation's Uranus, planet of freedom, independence, and revolution, a transit which indicates a question of being or not being part of a group - stubborn pride or a lack of loyalty can interfere with group participation, yet we know that on June 6, 1944, America, as part of the Allied Forces, was not only part of the group, but a leader. How so?
Because Sun-to-Uranus is also a time when one's unique qualities and individualism are highlighted, special attention may be given, and one may be invited to become group leader!
Hindsight being 20/20, we know that America did step up to the plate during WWII, and today's observance in France has re-marked our participation and achievements as we liberated our liberator, France, on the beaches of timed by the 84-year cycle of radical Uranus!
You'll find a few more of my Astrology notes are here...
Our nation's Uranus Return of 1944 occurred on a day when the Sun was conjunct our nation's Uranus, planet of freedom, independence, and revolution, a transit which indicates a question of being or not being part of a group - stubborn pride or a lack of loyalty can interfere with group participation, yet we know that on June 6, 1944, America, as part of the Allied Forces, was not only part of the group, but a leader. How so?
Because Sun-to-Uranus is also a time when one's unique qualities and individualism are highlighted, special attention may be given, and one may be invited to become group leader!
Hindsight being 20/20, we know that America did step up to the plate during WWII, and today's observance in France has re-marked our participation and achievements as we liberated our liberator, France, on the beaches of timed by the 84-year cycle of radical Uranus!
You'll find a few more of my Astrology notes are here...
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
65th anniversary of D-Day 2009,
Allied Forces,
America's Uranus Return 1944,
D-Day June 6 1944,
Mundane Astrology,
Normandy France,
Political Astrology,
President Obama,
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