Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts


'Tis the Season? Hallelujah Chorus flash mob! video

So you're having lunch at the mall, minding your own business, when suddenly...

And you know the Good News about it all? Christ Will reign forever!


Warm thanks to Alex D'Atria for sending along a link to this inspiring video. Happy Holidays, Everyone--and more flash mobs, please!


Brett Dennen on 'Heaven' interview w/ music - Billboard video

Couldn't resist adding this interview which is interspersed over a video of Brett Dennen singing 'Heaven' live with guitar and keyboard - even though it was only yesterday that I published the tune itself (through a photo slideshow video from YouTube) on SO'W.

So with this particular posting of the song, I am now surrounded by 'Heaven' and I appreciate it very very much.

And if the Good News, can't 'go viral' (as they say in today's parlance), then I am compelled to ask you: what ever should?