Even though I've never gone about the place thinking that I love the colors pink and yellow together, my eyes feel refreshed and exultant every time I look at this 'Happy Dance' yarn from Springtree Road's Etsy Shop.
Springtree Road is my daughter Maya's Yarn Shop, and the name refers to the street that I, and later on, my children, grew up on. It's named that because of a spring (obviously) and a creek that runs across and by it, so when my parents were living, their house had water from an artesian well nearby.
How cool is that? ;p
Especially these days when water is an issue everywhere, and will be more so as climates change and plunderers corner the market on the earth's freely provided life-giving substance.
Anyway, mosey yourself over to Maya's lovely Etsy Shop, if you wish, and view her luciously squishy skeins of handspun-and-dyed yarns, plus a few notecards and prints of her photos are available, too.
She'd be glad to meet you and perhaps y'all can do a Happy Dance together while you simultaneously knit me new mittens for winter using some of Maya's autumn-colored yarn...you're a very talented multi-tasker, or so I've heard!
you're sweet, mo. :)
Well i have a sweet and talented daughter so it's easy! ;p
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