
Cat from the jungle

My kitty cat Libby is spying at you from the jungle! We've had so much precipitation in recent weeks that it's very green here at the moment, as you see.

Slinky kitty!

Photo by Maya.


Children's Art: the Hero's Journey of Pattillo Armadillo

Here you see my first-ever drawing from 1995 of what turned out to be a children's book character, Pattillo Armadillo.

The image shows up a bit yellow-tinged because it's 3rd generation - a photo scanned from a drawing - and is one of my many 1995 to 2000 illustrations embossed with silver pencil.

Actually, the Spectracolor pencil used was non-tarnishing aluminum which keeps its silvery look longer. And the camera's flash gave the photos of these particular drawings a certain quality that my current simple scanned-direct-from-drawings do not possess...but smaller images fit the scanner bed, no camera required.

And it is more direct from drafting table to you, Dear Reader. Ex: so far all drawings in left sidebar except 'Purple Pansies' are direct from scanner. See the diff?

Be that as it may or may not be, Pattillo is from my children's book Pattillo Armadillo and the Dream of Green (2004/05) and if you'd like to take a stroll with me down mystical forest paths, you've moseyed to the right place today because I'm in the mood for such a bold sashay myself.

Now this could potentially and temporarily turn you into Dear Viewer, y'know, but not to fuss.

So where shall we venture first?

Let's check out a scene from somewhere inside The Great Lichen Forest with Fairy in attendance.

And if you can be very quiet, you may spy little Pattillo snoozing underneath a 'Shroom Home, for heroes need their shut-eye in case they must perform valiantly at the drop of a leaf - and mushrooms make nifty living and sleeping quarters for the wee ones amongst us.

In another part of the forest lies a glen where Minerva's Owl alights upon an old-growth tree. In his story, Pattillo was fortuitously watched over by just such an owl as this!

Now Pattillo has never visited this area of the forest but you are cordially invited to stop by Fairy Glen on your way home to dinner (and I would recommend you take the Path Home in Blue, if you don't mind a smally detour.)

Yes, Pattillo's belly is always very concerned over the where-abouts of his next grubby meal, as all armadillos tend to be. DNA takes the day!

Well, I hope your stroll has somewhat refreshed you from your labours and cares, Dear Viewer, but don't hesitate to nab other mystical views with a few Pattillo image links included at Secret Moon Art, your Art Blog for Botanical, Cosmic, Moon, and Children's Illustrations of Nature's Kind Abundance!


Of Russian Blues, Drawing, Daughters, and Thomas Merton

Oh look! It's my daughter's new kitty cat, Zasha, a gorgeous Russian Blue which is one of the best feline breeds around, I'm told.

Sociable, affectionate Russian Blues are especially good for families with children...children like Violet in black and white! Joyfully, Zasha the rescue cat has a new home and Violet a new love.

Zasha's photo taken by Maya, author of Spring Tree Road where she posts her creative efforts which include photography of family, cats, old houses, architecture, found objects, and the yarns she's in process of learning to spin.

Spinning wheel got to go round!

Maya has become an avid knitter as have many people these days and I for one am happy to see this soothing and useful past time regaining its former glory.

In my teens my Mom's sister, my Aunt Cornelia (I know!) taught me to knit and crochet and I admit to preferring the latter over the former. Probably had to do with the laciness of it, but Maya knitted the hat in the above-linked photo and though you can't tell much about it in black and white, it's got a lovely lacy border.

When she gets her etsy shop up and running, her link will be added here in case you, Dear Reader, want to check out the knitting patterns she's invented, along with yarns, knitted wearables, photographs, and such.

Can you tell I'm proud of my inventive offspring (Pallas, the daughter) who has happily found her creative niche?

You know, it stems quite a lot from my being able to draw a little, because when you do, your children tend to give up on drawing too readily and insist that they'll never top you at it - as if drawing 'belongs' only to you. Puh! Everyone can draw but not everyone puts in the hours of practice to develop the ability.

And silly Mom, I thought it was about how drawing is good for you as this May 5 NPR feature attests (text or audio w/ photos of Michelle Norris' 'curious' drawing efforts - a must-see!)

Getting adults or kids to draw?

Well with drawing, like practicing piano in childhood, no one ever had to fuss, plead, or threaten to get me to do either one. Guess I'm fortunate in that way. Or just plain bull-headed about doing what I want how and when I want to do it! An abundance of Capricorn planets, I suppose (Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter - gracious plenty as we're fond of saying in the South. We Caps are self-molding, thanks.)

Now here's my favorite quote from Thomas Merton because it makes perfect sense to the artist lurking inside:

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."

Hear that whisper? It could be the still-blank sketch pad you bought a few years ago begging for your attention...it may just be calling your name!


A Scorpio Full Moon at Midnight May 9, 2009

Well, May 9's Full Moon 18Sco41 perfects not quite at midnight but close enough for a blog post's title. At the White House it will be exact at 12:01:22 am edt, so put on your spectacles if you wish to read my fairly extensive notes on this 'Midnight Full Moon' and view its chart with a critical YOD pattern ('Finger of God') pointing at Mercury Rx in Gemini, a T-square with Jupiter at focal point, and other factors of interest.

The Earth-Water Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend is shared natally by Pres. Harry Truman, whose most famous pronouncement may be, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Less famously he remarked that, "It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States."

He was speaking of the League of Nations which morphed into the United Nations and yes, Harry was a one-world-government man, too. Read on and keep Mr. Truman in mind, if you like...

This is a stubborn, confident, and protective combo of energies with strong appetites and a willful, shrewd mind. Strategy, independence, and deep perception are evident so look out for varmints in your environment - or in the news - who exhibit these qualities. He or she will be full of obsessive convictions about what they're doing. Personal magnetism and self-confidence abound with this blend.

This is an "I know best" combo that can't understand when people use the word, bossy, to describe its personality; it can denote a bon viveur and a talented artist...is this you, Dear Reader?

The paradox is that material security and a loathing of change are indicated, yet risk-taking and challenge are musts as well. Immense amounts of work are easy for Sun Tau-Moon Sco as adrenalin courses through the veins.

Strengths are confidence, persistence, administrative power and organizational abilities with a charismatic and dramatic presence felt by all.

Weaknesses include terrific stubbornness, strong subjectivity and fixed prejudices, a ruthless desire for power, and an explosive temper.

The 'Images for Integration' are: The mating season...Persephone and Pluto...The Phantom of the Opera...Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, Truman certainly played Pluto's role in dropping atom bombs on Japan, didn't he? And humankind suffers permanent damage from his emotionally rationalized actions as the Atom Split rent a veil of natural law which can never be mended in this Earth's lifetime.

But leaving Politics out of it, this should be a beautiful Full Moon so I'm wishing everyone clear enough skies in which to appreciate its gorgeousness!

Update 7:45 pm edt: the Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon (Sun and Moon) are now posted at jude's threshold just for you!


5.6.09: A White House full of presidents - NN to Inaugural Jupiter

First off, here's a view from abroad on the global measures being taken against 'swine flu', a view which characterizes the efforts as 'absurd' and 'ludicrous'.

While I can't speak to measures taken abroad and their effects on society, here at home I'm tempted to think that there have been too many school closings and other cancellations...until I remind myself that many students have relatives at home with impaired immune systems.

And if you have any experience with school age children and offspring you know that school settings are typically quite a breeding ground for viruses even on a good day!

Ill people should stay home, whatever their age. Simple, no? You'd think so.

Yes, 'over-reactive' measures are easily characterized as such but only if you or a loved one are not one of the fallen - one's views and perspectives change very quickly then.


Astrologically today, as Pres. Obama meets at the White House with the presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan, I see that the transiting North Node (NN - the 'head of the dragon') is pointing to Inaugural 2009's Jupiter 3AQ32 in Inaugural 10th house (wider world.)

I had wondered what big encounter or meeting would occur for the president when NN aligned with Inaugural Jupiter so now I know...three presidents in the White House discussing people who are (among other things) fighting against the one-world-government now squalling in its birth pangs. Our government is rife with Trilateralists and others who are 'marching' us toward a world government, as David Rockefeller described it in his 1991 speech to the Trilateral Commission.

Today orator Mercury, trining Inaugural 2009 Mercury, is on degree for a turn-around, but first must seemingly stand still a day or two at '2Gemini'...Sabian Symbol: 'Santa Claus Filling Stockings Furtively' which sounds as if moneybags Jupiter may be purchasing we-know-not-what from visiting foreign leaders - cooperation? Silence?

Sun in mid-Taurus today inconjunct Moon in mid-Libra indicates a compulsion to make enormous concessions to others out of a desire to hold on to past ties and old associations.

This could be a very expensive meeting for the USA as today's inconjunct between the lights will reward tales of woe with tea and sympathy - on White House china, no less.

For more on Sabian Symbols, you may wish to visit the excellent Australian astrologer Lynda Hill and perhaps use her one-click Oracle feature to ask a question of the Symbols!

More storms are imminently on the way, so now I'm whisking off to Stars Over Washington to post a few details on the Sun-Moon blend for today.

NOON UPDATE: NPR just reported on today's meeting which of course involves Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and called the meeting 'trilateral'! In more ways than one, I assert.


Two Hours You'll Never Get Back's first post

Spend two hours reading and viewing here if you wish, but you do know they're totally non-refundable, right?

Yes, it would be impossible to spend a full two hours on one inconsequential blog such as this, but when was the last time you heard, 'one minute you'll never get back'?

So you see my dilemma: my choices were quite limited. And when you have only one choice, you have no choice at all.

Just so you know: this blog will be a tapestry of whatever for any reason. Don't expect anything but the best of what one lone blogger can manage, Dear Reader, typos and all. You shall occasionally be addressed as Dear Reader whether such a term of affection applies to you or not.

Comments and queries are welcome if you'll stay on topic for the post you're complai...I mean, commenting on. Comment moderation shall occur; link trades are most welcome so don't stint yourself on that score.

Art, Astrology, Politics, Cultural and Social Issues, Poetry, Ecological concerns, Spiritual and Futuristic subjects including Space, Cosmic, and Astronomy topics will be presented when inspiration lights on my shoulder and doesn't get brushed off by mistake.

Out of the corner of your eye you may notice that Fairy Art appears from time to time but please don't be alarmed: they won't harm you. It's the politicians you should be worried about.

jc 5.5.09 1:11 am edt

New Blog idea occurred: 5.5.09 at 12:03 am edt, Pluto 3Cap24 Rx and rising (uh oh) with Mercury 1Gem34 about to station retrograde (1Gem44)...oh dear. At least Fixed Star Arcturus ('a different approach') was shining at Midheaven.

Contact (but no spam or sales pitches please):

judecowell at gmail dot com