
Critiques of Scotland over prison release of Lockerbie bomber

Assuming that it's not a case of a wrongful conviction finally righted as I've read here and there, criticism of Scotland's recent release from prison of the only man incarcerated for the 1988 airplane sabotage of Pan Am Flight 103 that killed 270 people over Lockerbie, Scotland has their Braveheartiest hackles up to defend the Scottish justice system which is seemingly more merciful than the US justice system.

Given the harshness of overcrowding and other problems in US prisons, this I can believe, and yet...

Do you think sending the cancer patient home to Libya to die sends a cozy message to terroists everywhere, as characterized in, and promoted by, the media and FBI Director Robert Mueller? Considering the low level of trust in the US gov by the people, one must wonder if they are afraid the man will be given a soapbox on which to speak out.

Now the BBC has picked up Admiral Mike Mullen on CNN chiming in with a 'political decision' critique.

And here are some 'secret oil deal' accusations turning up after Gaddafi's son let the cat out of the trade bag to roam free as...as a caged bird released from prison and ready to sing.

And do you think, as discussed on Stars Over Washington in Comments by Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker and myself, that the practice of compassionate early release of terminally or seriously ill inmates may be cynically viewed as a cost-saving measure thinly disguised as humanitarian gesture?

Yeah. That's what I thought. It seems to be another of the chaos-creators' and shock-doctrinaires' attempts to undermine yet one more of the world's governmental systems that has worked reasonably well for generations.

Those dang'd Utopians - always on the verge of sending mankind back to the garden from whence he came so he can wander about, scratching and grubbing for meager existence! Tsk tsk.

And with Halloween on the way, we may wish to recognize one of Utopia's many guises: a one-world-government. And it won't be as fun as it sounds.


You may wish to read a few brief details on Pluto's current triggering of the Lockerbie Bombing chart's Sun and Uranus.


How's your supply of Health and Wellness?

It's been simply eons that I spent time on the Associated Content website where I've been known to write a little, but have not since Garfield was president (practically.) Not that Garfield. The other one.

Well, I just returned from a brief sojourn with AC and my browser carrying a link for you. It's an article by Laura Brady concerning Health and Wellness which you may find very useful.

And one of the best things about Ms. Brady's article is that it makes absolutely no mention of health care reform or the current deform we're limping along with now.

So go along and check it out, for who can ever have enough health and wellness?

And as a wise man once said, Consider the spine.


image: a pencil portrait of Self-Heal, moseyed over from Secret Moon Art if you're in the mood for more visuals of the Botanical, Fairy, Moon, Cosmic, and Children's varieties of artwork...all pencil, all the time. Followers heartily and publicly welcomed! jc



Wedding Day Astrology: Gwyneth Paltrow m. Chris Martin

Continuing my 'Wedding Day Astrology' series, I have just posted an entry on the 2003 wedding and the partnership of actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin of Coldplay, if you'd like a not-too-naughty astrological peek into their relationship dynamics.

And how about a cool video from Coldplay's Viva la Vida tour from a few nights ago?

Herning 16.8.09 from Coldplay on Vimeo.


Update 9.7.09: having just discovered a fascinating blog with two Coldplay videos, I add its link here primarily because it asks a intriguing question: Is Coldplay Illuminated?, a reference to the theme of their latest album - the Masonic-Illuminati-engineered French Revolution, and to song lyrics which are supplied there if you don't know them already.

When I Ruled the World, hmm?

One of my favorite tunes but until now, I actually assumed he was saying, 'For some reason I can't explain, I know St. Peter will call my name.' But Mr. Martin says, '...St. Peter won't call my name.' Double hmm.

If Mr. Martin and perhaps other members of Coldplay are 'illuminated' we might think that talented people who mind their rituals and spells are raised to the pentacled heights of fame, stardom, and wealth - which could explain why other very talented performers barely get the time of day while they're being shooed out the door.

And this makes it a modern-day version of selling one's soul to lucifer in exchange for world tours full of adoring audiences, and a well-stocked limo waiting at the curb for your exalted self.



Astrologer Lynn Hayes on Health Care Reform

In 2005, when I first began blogging on Politics reflected through the lens of Astrology, one of my very first online Astrology friends was the gracious and expert astrologer, Lynn Hayes.

Well, now I'm posting this shout-out to Lynn's article of August 19, We need real healthcare reform not more insurance, a sentiment I share, and one which would seem to be a given, now wouldn't it?

At least a 'given' in a normal world with less political opportunism and a ban on the cynical use of people's easily swayed emotions, that is.

Image is an illustration of 'Jimson weed in bloom' from an Associated Content article on avoiding the Deadly Nightshades in your diet, which is a very good thing to do if you're sensitive to them.

If you have any itchy skin conditions or your tummy grumbles against you, you may wish to check out the possibility that regular nightshade consumption may be part of the problem. That's a valuable health hint from me to you, if you'll take it!



Pea Flowers in Moonlight: a pencil portrait


Pea flowers don't cease to exist just because the sun goes down, y'know...

Pea Flowers in Moonlight, by Jude Cowell 2009+, from my Secret Moon Art Blog, now updated for your satisfaction!

Plus, my Art Storefront hosted by Lulu is also available for browsing.



Woodstock 1969: Sun Leo--Moon Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio

Solar Navigator has information about the Woodstock Music and Art Festival of August 15 - 18, 1969.

Living in Washington, DC at the time, a road trip in a van didn't appeal, so I opted out of the fan roster and listened to Edgar Winter and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young in a basement on Dupont Circle while awaiting my friends' returns and reports. The reports were glowing, as you might imagine.

But what of the universal As Above, So Below model?

If the muddy musical melee was 'happening' in an alfalfa field of Bethel, NY, then what planetary energies were playing harmonious tunes overhead revelers' noggins and floating 'all around us' like...love, man?

For a quickly peep at the Suns and Moons from the morning of August 15 and extending to the evening of August 18, 1969, we have these Images for Integration, a blending of the Sun/male energy and the Moon/female energy of the siren's call...transiting Circe conjuncts sexy Pluto in Virgo, both conj South Node.

And one planet was out-of-bounds, lusty Mars 10Sag13 - 12Sag05 (which conjuncts US natal ASC in our Sibly chart.) Jupiter and Uranus in early Libra, sign of Partnerships, Love, Beauty, and the Arts, are in process of finishing their triple Great Conjunction/s of 1968 - 1969. In fact, their last 'hook-up' at 00Lib40 (conj US natal Mc, Sibly) occurred just prior to Woodstock on July 20, 1969, so blissful realizations and high enthusiasms echoed across the fields between the cow patties!

8:00 am edt, August 15 -- August 18, 1969, 9:00 pm edt, Bethel, NY:

Sun ranges from 22Leo28 to 25Leo53; Moon begins @ 18Vir07 and ends @ 3Sco21 (conjunct Cupido whose keywords include: The Arts, The Family, The Tribe, Corporations; The Syndicate.)

So here is a 'Luminary Timeline' of sorts, my attempt to describe the Festival (40 years later) using Sun-Moon blends for clues which The Rest of Us Who Did Not Attend (or perhaps you weren't born yet!) might want to consider - kind of a progress report on the celebration after the balloons have all floated away, the babies have been born, and the van's flat tire remains long-changed:

Sun Leo-Moon Virgo: After the ball, Cinderella polishes the floor until its shiny surface perfectly reflects her happy, contented face.

Sun Leo-Moon Libra: Jeeves the butler welcomes Bertie home with a jolly party of artists, important personages, and eccentric friends...A monarch discusses poetry with a visiting diplomat...The Actors' Guild stages a political rally.

Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio: The conception of a divine child takes place during a total eclipse of the Sun...A fateful, passionate love affair between the queen and a mysterious wandering peasant. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

And another quick look: Woodstock Festival's Pre-Natal Eclipse is of the 7 North Series ('27Pis' on 3.18.69), with a flavor that includes: deep passions long-hidden that surprise with their intensity; sudden sexual passions and procreative drives; very sensual. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Last occurrence of a Solar Eclipse in the 7N Series: '19Ari' on April 8, 2005; next: '30Ari' on April 20, 2023.

Well, that's my take on Woodstock 40 years later. Meanwhile, our Peace, Love, and Understanding movement bogs down in the mud of Politics one more time.

Should we turn up the volume to 11, oh people of Woodstock Nation?


Your Bubbles-In-Waiting Tutorial

Pausing to blow the world's bubbles is like stopping to smell nature's roses. Yet in today's busy world, it often takes a three-year-old to spare the time and concentration needed to get the job done right!

The world is full of a myriad of bubbles-in-waiting, needing only air directly focused

Dedication is its own reward. But bubbles sure are nice

A bubble in captivity at sudsy mitt's command...Bravo!


~:~photos by Maya. ~:~


US Mars Return in Gemini: Wednesday 8.12.09

About every two years, Mars returns to the precise degree, minute, and second of his natal position, whether in the birth chart of an individual, an event, or a nation.

We'd be nothing but limp noodles in a corner without the action, energy, desire nature, and the impulse to be of planet Mars, says Astrology. Bad analogy that, since someone would have to fashion the noodles in the first place, but you get my point.

The US has had approximately one-hundred-sixteen Mars Returns to date, give or take (233 years old divided by 2-year-cycle = 116.)

Well, this Wednesday, August 12, 2009, is just such an occurrence when America experiences her Mars Return 2009 so check it out, if you may.

A Mars Return indicates the universe's cosmic clock timing a new cycle of activity starting up - when the two-year cycle begins depends on when it first began in the radix (natal) chart. Thus, any return chart issues from, or is based upon, a natal chart. In my post, I'm using America's Gemini Rising chart, aka the 'Franklin' chart, with Uranus ascending.

Having our natal Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini, an Air sign, indicates much mental energy, which I think describes America to a T. And Mars placed in the sign of multiplicity/duplicity gives Americans a tendency toward working two or more jobs which is mighty handy these days under the economic circumstances - if you can find or keep them.

Two-Car Garage = Mars in Gemini!

Both Mercury and Mars relate to transport, automobiles, and other modes of transportation. If there are still two cars parked in your garage, congratulations.

Aggressiveness is also part of the Mars-in-Gemini picture, and I suppose we-the-people can admit to resembling that remark, along with our love of debate, and a talent for resourcefulness.

Yes, we're a restless bunch of dudes and dudettes, aren't we?

Plus, Gemini is the sign of Eternal Youth glorying in his love affair with his own reflection. Uh oh! Bellybutton gazing is being performed as I type, and every time I study an Astrology chart relating to...America!
