
Astrology of the 1st Moon Landing

With today being the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's First Moon Landing, July 20, 1969, which occurred during the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, the planetary pair of scientific breakthroughs, discoveries, inventions, and lucky opportunities, a post is now available on the Astrology of it.

Jupiter/Uranus is the light bulb over the head of bright ideas!

The horoscope is set for the White House at the moment the Moon's position tallied with Jupiter/Uranus: 00Lib40, precisely conjunct America's natal Midheaven in the Sibly chart.

The main midpoint pictures are typed for you in English, if you'd like to check them out to taste a flavor of July 20, 1969.

And click to enlarge the chart for more details scribbled thereupon, for many factors are not mentioned in the post's text...such as the position of asteroid Apollo: 3Vir52, in the 4th house of the chart, as you'll discover.

You see, it's Monday ('Moon' day!), and my drafting table overflowing with drawings is calling my name... .. .


On a lighter note, for the 17+ers among the three of us, try a view of Crystallie Totally if you feel daring in the Art department.


Astrology of Corporations Are People: May 10, 1886

Since I'm on the verge of signing off and enjoying the rest of the weekend, this is a mere heads-up about a fresh post at Stars Over Washington concerning Corporations Are People's natal chart of May 10, 1886.

American corporate law was given a big thrust forward on that day by a court reporter's off-hand comments which were published later with the Supreme Court's decision on taxing railroad property within the borders of Santa Clara County, California.

But see what you think - my post has one link in particular to Thom Hartmann's Op-Ed News article which discloses the shenanigans of legal-eagle politicians lurking in the back pockets of 1800s railroad titans.

No big surprise, agreed, but consider how we-the-people have suffered economically under their duplicitous plutocratic notions these many decades - and with a Saturnian-Neptunian pretend-law which goes totally against what America's Founders intended for our nation.

Of course, 'secret'/'invisible' (Neptune) government (Saturn) is the name of American corporations' game, the more I study it, and it's quite unsavory. Yet it isn't their actions as much as the motives behind them that tell the full tale.

So by that criteria, the tricksters and brigands of 1886 had motives with suspiciously bad intent and oppressive results for American workers and consumers, as we now understand all too well...now that the thoroughbreds have bolted and left only mules in our economic barn.

And this, along with world banking oligarchs who throttle our financial institutions, is what must be corrected for America to be America again, for our government's by-for-of does not and should not apply to any persons but we-the-people - so obviously the ones the Constitution was written to protect.



The marriage of Twitter and Bing

Chill and quaff your best sparkling wine: Twitter and Bing have teamed up for real time action, and personally I'm calling it a marriage until the divorce papers are filed!

New Etsy Shop offers handspun and dyed yarns

My daughter Maya's Etsy Shop Spring Tree Road opened this very day!

Handspun and dyed yarns along with her excellent photography will be on display so check it out...her shop opened with three offerings earlier today but it's down to one now with more items coming tomorrow.

Congratulations, Maya, you've come a long way since this portrait of you at 4 months old! Who knew?

All the Muches, Mom


Blogger Play is a cool barrel of monkeys!

You may notice a new feature added in the sidebar - Blogger Play which displays random images published to Blogger by whosoever posts them. This must amount to an endless supply!

You can point your browser to an image and view the blog's address - then click on the image for a magic carpet ride to visit the blog - now how cool is that?



Evian Roller Babies video

Yes, I tried briefly to resist passing along this Evian Water Babies video but as you see, I failed miserably!

Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearing begins 7.13.09

For a few notes including the astrological kind, here's a freshly published post on Judge Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation hearing which began this morning at 10:00 am edt on Capitol Hill.

You'll find that CSPAN's video feed link is available by clicking through.

Real Time Shenanigans!

Of note is what sounded to me like an angry outburst from a male at 10:45 am with Moon 00Ari03..."1 Aries" = "A Woman Has Arisen Out of the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her."

I assert that this is such a woman who has surfaced from the other candidates into public awareness, and that the 'seal' is the Great Seal of the United States.



Robert Reich ready for a New Recovery

So is economist Robert Reich now openly touting a new economic recovery? Or is he shilling for a 'new world economic order' since the old one has been broken by precisely the select few who stand to gain the most from the establishment of an entirely new system?

The new system will be rigged on behalf of the power elite as was the old, not to fret. Guess they figured their centuries-old (English-banking) Ponzi scheme had gone as far as it would take them and their obscene profits, so it's time to trade in the old Brit jalopy and pass their incurred private debts into the hazy realm of socialism by way of The People's backs.

Screw the People! they croak from their ivory towers, ivy-encrusted medieval castles, and international banking penthouses. (Most of the power elite are bald as babies, I suspect, yet all their gold bars can't buy natural hair back onto their sweaty pates. Har.)

Well, It All Makes Ya Wonder...

Will synchronicity never cease?! How the NWO scripts of various promoters intertwine as if - as if they'd been planned for decades, or for centuries even!

And as I've said before, the proof will be in how these things work out, the results that issue forth from the actions of these 'experts' and their bosses, and how the consequences of their actions affect The People on a practical level.

For as another Source has well-advised: by their fruits ye shall know them.
~:~ ~:~