
FactualTV site debuts

Just got a heads-up email about a new website which promises to be very informative and useful for research or for entertainment.

It's called FactualTV where 'Fascinating Television Topics' are available for viewing, with 70 to 80% of them free and share-able.

FactualTV has a Keyword Library along with a Category List of topics such as: Arts & Artists, Biographies, Biology & Health, Comedy, Wildlife, Environmental, Space, Sports, Interviews, Military and War...well, I can't give you the entire list here, you'll have to check it out for yourself.

These TV videos display with free flash streaming which works on all computers, plus, they've been legally licensed. Some Premium videos are available for purchase only via download but even then you'll have a free trailer for sampling first. Eventually all titles will be available on DVD.

Personally I can't wait to visit the site with my cup of Constant Comment Tea and stay quite awhile! But first I have a new Astrology book to review...more on that later!


Tehran Live daily photos: site link

Posting this link here as well as on Stars Over Washington: Tehran Live a site with daily photos from Tehran.

Follow the SO'W link to yesterday's post on Iran's natal chart with some pertinent transits now in play.


Stiglitz on America's Socialism for the Rich

America's Socialism For the Rich

By Joseph Stiglitz

The US has a huge corporate safety net, allowing the banks to gamble with impunity, but offers little to struggling individuals. #

Yes, the US Congress' legislations took care of that upsy-daisy decades ago.

And it's all-l-l working out as the power elite planned.

You know I tend to appreciate Mr. Stiglitz's articles and opinions but it does seem as if he should know about the NWO agenda (to crash the world economy and take over all governments) long before now, doesn't it? How could he not?


Here's some info on the Global Justice Movement.

Portrait of a Yellow-eyed surgeonfish in Art Slideshow

Ever met a Yellow-eyed surgeonfish?

Well, there's one wishing you'd check him out in a new Dreamyfish Art Slideshow of botanical fish portraits on display for your personal viewing now!

The whole point about Dreamyfish Art is Saturnian realism (botanical renderings) placed within their favorite imaginary locations - the 'dreamy' part.

Because fish dream, too. And because astrologically I have a Capricorn Sun with a Pisces Moon, that's why!

Sun Cap-Moon Pisces is a 'pragmatic dreamer' personality blend with these 'Images for Integration'...now if I can only integrate them!

'A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...Bilbo in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Bathers in a Landscape by Cezanne...Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes...A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Okay, let's see: the huge mud pie I built next to my parent's driveway during childhood finally dissolved in a rainstorm when I was 15 years old...read The Hobbit and began the rest of the Trilogy as soon as they were released in America - 1969?...for a friend years ago I drew my version of Bathers in a Landscape but knew nothing of these Images - plus, Paul Cezanne is on my Top Three Favorite Artists list; Elvis' song intrigued me when I was little but its magic didn't stay with me long - I preferred Brit Rock as soon as I heard it...don't drink, so my collection is full of whines instead...


And here are my Astrology notes published earlier today on Iran's natal chart with current transits of note if you're of a mind for Iranian politics and cloudy election outcomes.


When will Al Franken become Senator?

Terry Lamb has published an excellent astrological analysis of the senatorial chances for Al Franken which Terry believes will work out in his favor, so we must keep a mercurial eye on June 14 regarding Mr. Franken's Senate bid.

Thanks, Terry, great work!


Gemini Sun conjunct Sisyphus: June 9/10, 2009

With asteroid Sisyphus now being highlighted by the Sun 19Gem+, a Wiki link to the myth of Sisyphus has been added in the sidebar to my growing list of Mythology of Astrology's smaller bodies...scroll down just a smidge to view the links list.

Wonder if America's 'Sun' - President Obama - is feeling Sisyphusian about now what with Gitmo detainees having nowehere to go, health care reform being voraciously fought (as we knew it would be), his Supreme Court pick, Sonia Sotomayer, under the GOP's 'racist' magnifying glass, amd more obstacles to make him look ineffectual...?

And don't forget that today, June 10, is the day Japan's Kaguya craft is to impact the Moon - kerboom!...see SpaceWeather.com for details and photos (after the event - the Southern Hemisphere should gave a good view for photographers!)

Astrologically today the Moon is in hard-to-budge Capricorn so Luna may not appreciate the impact!

image: Comet Skies, from my Secret Moon Art gallery of drawings.

All images copyright 2009 and beyond.


6,000-year-old tombs found near Stonehenge

Neo-lithic tombs, plus mounds with top-layer soil that may have pollen of the era intact, have been aerially located in Hampshire, England, 15 miles from Stonehenge.

If any of my English ancestors are involved from way-back-when, perhaps I can figure out why I've always been so allergic to certain flower, tree, and grass pollens, eh?

Ahh-choo and fond congratulations to the hard-working archaelogical community!


June 8, 2009: 200th anniversary of Thomas Paine's death

Thomas Paine's natal chart had an interesting double transit in May 2006: his natal Sun was conjoined by transiting Chiron as the Sun simultaneously highlighted his natal Chiron!

In fact, it's so exact by degree and quite rare to have reciprocating transits like that when I noticed it in 2006 I thought that perhaps the 'conflicting/unverified' time of birth in *Paine's Rodden Rating (DD = dirty data) had his correct birth time after all.

Now it's true that Mr. Paine and the rest of the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Illuminati who set up this nation were unaware of Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Christ archetype in an Astrology chart since Chiron was discovered in November 1977...201 years after the Declaration of Independence.

But follow the link above which takes you my Political Astrology blog Stars Over Washington where Tom Paine is liable to be mentioned at any moment...you'll find an extra link or two along with quotes from the man full of Common Sense.

America could use large doses of common sense and common good these days, imo.

Then Truthdig reminds us that today is the 200th anniversary of Thomas Paine's death with a photo of Paine's monument in New Rochelle, New York, and a few words from the BBC on internationally best-selling author Thomas Paine, the only Brit mentioned in President Obama's 2009 Inaugural Address.

Plus, Truthdig adds a link to Common Sense in case you'd like to brush up on a literary masterpiece.

You know that both Toms - Paine and Jefferson - died in debt and penury, right? Which shows that a dearth of money at the end of life is no marker for how well one has served the world during one's lifetime. I'm just sayin'.


*Thomas Paine: Jan 29, 1737 (NS), 11:30 am LMT, Thetford, England; Sun 9AQ43, Moon 23Cap36; died in his sleep following a stroke, June 8, 1809 in New Rochelle, New York. RIP.