Superstickies are fun, yes? Create yourself one - it's easy if I can do it!
A shout-out of Thanks goes to Donna Cunningham at SkyWriter for alerting me to this new blogging toy...er...I mean, tool.
Got Cardinal T-Square worries? Well, from Mar 19 to 21, 2010 the First Annual Astrology Blogathon arrives with many with practical solutions. Check with Donna's SkyWriter blog for more details.
~a tapestry blog woven from a variety of threads including Art, Astrology, Music, Videos, News, Diet, Politics, and Culture~
Have Super Fun with Superstickies!
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
1st annual Astrology Blogathon March 19 - 21 2010,
Donna Cunningham,
On Sarah Palin, Tea Parties, President Obama, and Waging Another War
SouthernAvenger presents an analysis of Sarah Palin, her involvement with the Tea Party movement, and her false-logic critiques of President Obama who 'isn't enough like Bush'? (Didn't we just suffer through 8 years of lousy Bushiness? And he robbed the people's Treasury blind as he left Washington!)
You know, if I were president and my opponents and their operatives (who had their own White House dreams as motivation) began a 'Bomb Iran' drumbeat, that's exactly what I wouldn't do. How often does anyone get to be a contrarian while simultaneously taking a higher road to what reasonable, civilized people would call the sanity of upholding moral standards such as the sanctity of life?
Why, you'd almost guess that sending more US troops abroad to die was a method of population control (plus, their loss results in no more kids from those particular soldiers.) Massive unemployment in the US is probably swelling military ranks, too, just as the power elite planned. They plan ahead, you know.
Since 2005 I have blogged on Politics using the lens of Astrology, admittedly with a populist, common-good slant. Well, if I can't champion we-the-people, who can I back? Is Astrology a tool meant to be used, or is it too precious?
Yet neocon warhawks, aka chickenhawks since most of our modern practitioners of Jingoism showed their true colors and became draft-dodgers when they had their chances to fight - still hold sway over US foreign policy and our domestic agenda in spite of 'peace' candidates becoming President. Has Mr. Obama's election made any real difference to the course America embarked on decades ago of playing global police? Nope.
The jingoists have the men (you, me, but mostly youngsters like your Aunt Mabel's idealistic Johnny who just graduated high school), they have the money (US taxpayers' billions, plus inflationary funny money printed by the Fed), and they have some kind of totalitarian world-domination plan they want to implement - all at the people's expense, and for their own selfish enrichment. In their bubble world, 'collateral damage' is little more than an acceptable risk for others to bear.
Then there's star-quality Sarah Palin, her fancy-pageant-walking days over, but sporting big dreams of power and wealth underneath that bouffant of highlighted hair. But is she pugnacious enough for the neocons she serves? And can she be trained to bark their orders to the masses?
A Palin run in 2012 sounds crazy enough to send chills but really, it only takes a figurehead president whose main job requirement, as W admitted so richly during his presidency, is "catapultin' the propaganda." So, yes. Sad to say, Palin could handle the job of bullhorner-in-chief, the one who decides how the power elites tell her to decide, then announces it to the unwashed masses on TV.
Well, if a Palin presidency comes to pass, it will be a stellar chance to show what a maverick she really is: can she stand up to her global 'masters of the universe' who put her in the White House to do their bidding?
Would she buck the continuance of what Rep. John Murtha called our nation's "flawed policy wrapped in illusion"?
Of course not. How could she? Unless it's part of the NWO script meant to deceive, how could anyone bite the hand of those who provided them such a position of high status? Oh, how they mock we-the-people and our naive desire for improvement every time they toutingly hold up to the world our centuries-long peaceful passing of the presidential baton!
SouthernAvenger presents an analysis of Sarah Palin, her involvement with the Tea Party movement, and her false-logic critiques of President Obama who 'isn't enough like Bush'? (Didn't we just suffer through 8 years of lousy Bushiness? And he robbed the people's Treasury blind as he left Washington!)
You know, if I were president and my opponents and their operatives (who had their own White House dreams as motivation) began a 'Bomb Iran' drumbeat, that's exactly what I wouldn't do. How often does anyone get to be a contrarian while simultaneously taking a higher road to what reasonable, civilized people would call the sanity of upholding moral standards such as the sanctity of life?
Why, you'd almost guess that sending more US troops abroad to die was a method of population control (plus, their loss results in no more kids from those particular soldiers.) Massive unemployment in the US is probably swelling military ranks, too, just as the power elite planned. They plan ahead, you know.
Since 2005 I have blogged on Politics using the lens of Astrology, admittedly with a populist, common-good slant. Well, if I can't champion we-the-people, who can I back? Is Astrology a tool meant to be used, or is it too precious?
Yet neocon warhawks, aka chickenhawks since most of our modern practitioners of Jingoism showed their true colors and became draft-dodgers when they had their chances to fight - still hold sway over US foreign policy and our domestic agenda in spite of 'peace' candidates becoming President. Has Mr. Obama's election made any real difference to the course America embarked on decades ago of playing global police? Nope.
The jingoists have the men (you, me, but mostly youngsters like your Aunt Mabel's idealistic Johnny who just graduated high school), they have the money (US taxpayers' billions, plus inflationary funny money printed by the Fed), and they have some kind of totalitarian world-domination plan they want to implement - all at the people's expense, and for their own selfish enrichment. In their bubble world, 'collateral damage' is little more than an acceptable risk for others to bear.
Then there's star-quality Sarah Palin, her fancy-pageant-walking days over, but sporting big dreams of power and wealth underneath that bouffant of highlighted hair. But is she pugnacious enough for the neocons she serves? And can she be trained to bark their orders to the masses?
A Palin run in 2012 sounds crazy enough to send chills but really, it only takes a figurehead president whose main job requirement, as W admitted so richly during his presidency, is "catapultin' the propaganda." So, yes. Sad to say, Palin could handle the job of bullhorner-in-chief, the one who decides how the power elites tell her to decide, then announces it to the unwashed masses on TV.
Well, if a Palin presidency comes to pass, it will be a stellar chance to show what a maverick she really is: can she stand up to her global 'masters of the universe' who put her in the White House to do their bidding?
Would she buck the continuance of what Rep. John Murtha called our nation's "flawed policy wrapped in illusion"?
Of course not. How could she? Unless it's part of the NWO script meant to deceive, how could anyone bite the hand of those who provided them such a position of high status? Oh, how they mock we-the-people and our naive desire for improvement every time they toutingly hold up to the world our centuries-long peaceful passing of the presidential baton!
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
Barack Obama's Facebook feed,
John Murtha,
Palin in 2012,
Sarah Palin,
Tea Party movement
Pink Blossoms in Winter!
This is such a lovely snapshot of pink blossoms in winter that I had to snag it for Two Hours!
View the full photo presentation by my daughter Maya at her SpringTreeRoad blog and let her tell you all about it!
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
flowers in winter,
Maya Henderson,
Photography by Maya,
pink flower in Winter
Capricorn One Vintage and the bower bird nest
Expert astrologer Julie Demboski has given me a heads-up on a wonderful artist who blogs at Capricorn One Vintage if you want to check out her beautiful creations.
How I love vintage jewelry!
And for 6 years in the 1990s I created and sold a line of what I called 'Candle Bowers' made with wire, beads, stones, mirrors, and vintage jewelry all of which ensnared a candle in glass holder with its flame mirrored for special effect.
The idea came to me from bower birds and the way they build their nests, some of them into egg-shaped creations, and so I did the same with wire. Silver wire made the best leaf shapes though sadly I had to stop working with wire altogether when a dermatologist explained to dumblehead me that I was taking metals into my system whenever moisture was present. And in Georgia in summer, it always was. Crum.
Yes, I still miss creating wire sculptures so I thought you might wish to view one of them here for 'old time's sake' which is quite appropriate for vintage jewelry lovers, yes? You can see a mirror reflecting the candle snugged inside the top of the piece:
And here's one of my inspirations which I watched on PBS back in the day - a BBC video of David Attenborough spying on a romantically minded Australian bower bird as he prepares a nest for his lady love to be! The bird prepared, not Mr. Attenborough.
Hubba hubba! That nest looks pretty appealing!
Expert astrologer Julie Demboski has given me a heads-up on a wonderful artist who blogs at Capricorn One Vintage if you want to check out her beautiful creations.
How I love vintage jewelry!
And for 6 years in the 1990s I created and sold a line of what I called 'Candle Bowers' made with wire, beads, stones, mirrors, and vintage jewelry all of which ensnared a candle in glass holder with its flame mirrored for special effect.
The idea came to me from bower birds and the way they build their nests, some of them into egg-shaped creations, and so I did the same with wire. Silver wire made the best leaf shapes though sadly I had to stop working with wire altogether when a dermatologist explained to dumblehead me that I was taking metals into my system whenever moisture was present. And in Georgia in summer, it always was. Crum.
Yes, I still miss creating wire sculptures so I thought you might wish to view one of them here for 'old time's sake' which is quite appropriate for vintage jewelry lovers, yes? You can see a mirror reflecting the candle snugged inside the top of the piece:
And here's one of my inspirations which I watched on PBS back in the day - a BBC video of David Attenborough spying on a romantically minded Australian bower bird as he prepares a nest for his lady love to be! The bird prepared, not Mr. Attenborough.
Hubba hubba! That nest looks pretty appealing!
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
Australian bower bird nest,
bower bird nests,
Candle Bowers,
Capricorn One Vintage,
David Attenborough video,
Julie Demboski Astrology,
vintage jewelry
Jupiter enters Pisces Jan 17, 2010 @ 8:17 pm est
This evening, Jan 17, 2010, as Jupiter enters Pisces (8:17 pm est) my Pisces Moon has inspired a post with a few details of this compassionate transit of Hierophant Jupiter, along with a Fish (Pisces) Art (Jupiter) portrait for you to view!
This evening, Jan 17, 2010, as Jupiter enters Pisces (8:17 pm est) my Pisces Moon has inspired a post with a few details of this compassionate transit of Hierophant Jupiter, along with a Fish (Pisces) Art (Jupiter) portrait for you to view!
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
Dreamyfish Art,
Jupiter enters Pisces 1/17/10,
Tropical Fish Art
Can environment cause poetry to bloom?
This evening my environment was host to news of a scientific breakthrough as I watched CBS' 60 Minutes' feature about the possibility of resurrecting extinct species and bringing them back to life.
What they'd eat and how much was not revealed, but a brief poem was inspired by hearing this Frankenstein-esque news. Astrologically, 'scientific breakthroughs' relate to Jupiter/Uranus and the two 'light bulb' planets will meet in Great Conjunction three times in 2010 into 2011:
1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (Aries Point, a degree in the zodiac of world event manifestation);
2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;
3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02
Hopefully, the knowledge-expanding hook-up of Jupiter and Uranus will bring the world something beneficial from the scientific community, for mankind could use a fortunate turn about now, right? And none of that 'space wars' crap either.
Click the link to read, if you wish, for it won't take you but a moment in Time which is something that will be totally skewed if Science succeeds in their cloning quest!
Q: if you could live next door to a real live Dinosaur Zoo, would you?
This evening my environment was host to news of a scientific breakthrough as I watched CBS' 60 Minutes' feature about the possibility of resurrecting extinct species and bringing them back to life.
What they'd eat and how much was not revealed, but a brief poem was inspired by hearing this Frankenstein-esque news. Astrologically, 'scientific breakthroughs' relate to Jupiter/Uranus and the two 'light bulb' planets will meet in Great Conjunction three times in 2010 into 2011:
1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (Aries Point, a degree in the zodiac of world event manifestation);
2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;
3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02
Hopefully, the knowledge-expanding hook-up of Jupiter and Uranus will bring the world something beneficial from the scientific community, for mankind could use a fortunate turn about now, right? And none of that 'space wars' crap either.
Click the link to read, if you wish, for it won't take you but a moment in Time which is something that will be totally skewed if Science succeeds in their cloning quest!
Q: if you could live next door to a real live Dinosaur Zoo, would you?
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
60 Minutes,
Astrology of Ozzie & Sharon Osbourne's partnership
If you're interested, a report on the Wedding Day Astrology of Ozzie and Sharon Osbourne is now published on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold.
Plus, if you or someone you know were born with Sun in Cancer/Moon in Sagittarius, the personality details will apply to you as well, so check out this passionate couple whose next wedding anniversary in July 2010 will mark 28 years of intimate nesting happiness!
If you're interested, a report on the Wedding Day Astrology of Ozzie and Sharon Osbourne is now published on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold.
Plus, if you or someone you know were born with Sun in Cancer/Moon in Sagittarius, the personality details will apply to you as well, so check out this passionate couple whose next wedding anniversary in July 2010 will mark 28 years of intimate nesting happiness!
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
the Osbournes,
Wedding Day Astrology of Ozzie and Sharon Osbourne
Return of the 'Revolving Art Cube' by Jude Cowell!
This 'Revolving Art Cube' as I named it was put together some time ago from a few of my Cosmic Persona Designs images but I just wanted to make it handy again for my own re-viewing!
The Cosmic Persona Designs collection is for age 17+ only please~~an Adult Content Warning must be clicked through to reach the gallery of drawings (no photos, only artwork; no digital, only pencil drawings), so ask yourself if you're feeling all that lucky...
If the Art Cube looks topsy turvy use your browser to coax it about, speed it up, or slow it down.
Jude Cowell Art @ Zazzle
Cafe Press Art Gallery
View more of my variously styled Art Slideshows and feel free to embed your favorite of my shows, if you wish -
with attribution...alternatively, adding a simple link to this post would be totally appreciated!
Art On,
Labels: 2 Hours, Astrology, Art. Politics
Backstage Art,
Boudpoir Blossoms,
Cafe Press Art Gallery,
Chiffonery Art,
Cosmic Persona Designs,
Cosmic-Erotic Art,
jude cowell art,
Revolving Art Cube by Jude Cowell,
Zazzle Art Shop
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