Showing posts with label cloning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloning. Show all posts


Can environment cause poetry to bloom?


This evening my environment was host to news of a scientific breakthrough as I watched CBS' 60 Minutes' feature about the possibility of resurrecting extinct species and bringing them back to life.

What they'd eat and how much was not revealed, but a brief poem was inspired by hearing this Frankenstein-esque news. Astrologically, 'scientific breakthroughs' relate to Jupiter/Uranus and the two 'light bulb' planets will meet in Great Conjunction three times in 2010 into 2011:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (Aries Point, a degree in the zodiac of world event manifestation);

2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;

3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02

Hopefully, the knowledge-expanding hook-up of Jupiter and Uranus will bring the world something beneficial from the scientific community, for mankind could use a fortunate turn about now, right? And none of that 'space wars' crap either.

Click the link to read, if you wish, for it won't take you but a moment in Time which is something that will be totally skewed if Science succeeds in their cloning quest!

Q: if you could live next door to a real live Dinosaur Zoo, would you?
