
Rhyme: The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump

September 8, 2018: Today was spent composing, typing, and posting The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged for Stars Over Washington which is why I shouldn't have been surprised immediately afterward when a brief, Saturn-infused political verse suddenly formed within my brain and I will consider it quite a nuisance until the rhyme is typed out loud and posted somewhere.

And of course, astrological Saturn is, among other things, form, as in, the creation of something that did not exist before. This can't excuse the following whimsy, merely describes or defines it.

Now usually I type and publish the political limericks of former secret agent Mr. A. Cat, plus, various political poems over at Lim's Limericks so the following effort published here instead counts as a variance upon that particular habit! Now don't you fret, dear reader, for the verse is so brief it will be over before it barely begins!

The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump

awaits him while he's on the stump

old Saturn just might kick his rump

the irresponsible Mr. Trump.

jc Sept 8, 2018; all rights reserved


Summer Solstice 2018: Sun Cancer-Moon Libra

On Thursday June 21, 2018 at 6:07 am edt arrives the annual Summer Solstice, the DC Horoscope of which may be seen set for the moment the Sun reaches 00Cancer00, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation. The Moon (the public) is in Venus-ruled Libra, a sociable position for Luna. This blend of luminaries provides clues concerning the general cosmic weather of the day and for Summer 2018 which promises a season of perception, romance, idealism, and improvements in social awareness.

Intellectual powers of observation and expressions of divine discontent may also surface from the Collective Unconscious along with some people's natural sense of justice which may be satisfied or neglected as the summer season sizzles by, plus, the exotic or unusual may take a bow here and there. Detached attitudes will feel necessary at various points and 'alone time' will, as always, be prized for some while others use their lively personalities to beguile and gain public attention. Additionally, family life and patriotism (Cancer) blend with relationships, alliances, art, and diplomacy (Libra) on our Collective Summer 2018 calendar while the creatives types among us finish up their original projects for public display and appreciation.

Cautions of the conscious/unconscious Sun Cancer-Moon Libra combination of Water and Air energies include perfectionism which can lead to nitpicking, nagging, complaints, and dissent, and a leaning toward placing the focus on trivial details in order to distract by stirring up storms in tea cups!

A few famous natives who were born under the Moon-Venus influences of the Sun Cancer-Moon Libra blend include luminaries such as Alexander the Great, fashion designer Pierre Cardin (chart shown), Janet Leigh of Psycho fame (chart shown), Sylvester Stallone (ditto), and my favorite inventor of all time, the brilliant Nikola Tesla. Follow the link for an interesting video concerning Tesla and secrets hidden in Egypt's pyramids if you're curious); plus, here's a view of the natal horoscope of Tesla (RR: B).

Now don't be surprised if you hear one or two of their names and/or creations mentioned during Summer 2018!

image above: Gladiolas in Moonlight w/ Flower Fairies a drawing by Jude Cowell; all rights reserved

And for more Sun-Moon blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey (yes, it's on Kindle!)


The History of The Knights of Malta - clip

Update January 25, 2018: well, it turns out that the accusation of a secret society within the FBI was based on what now appears to be a 'joke'. Still, the following video contains interesting information for the curious. And no, this skeptic isn't totally convinced because there have been intimations of 'secret society' from the beginning of the FBI, the CIA, police departments (ex: the Klan), and other organizations since the spy agencies were created so perhaps saying it was only a 'joke' is one of those tiresome political 'walk-backs' we hear about. After all, occasionally inconvenient truths do escape from Washington DC!

Original post begins here:

January 24, 2018: in consideration of the current charges being leveled by the Republicans against the FBI as containing a "secret society" in league against Donald Trump, here's a brief presentation concerning one secretive organization, a 'nominee' which might fit the bill within the FBI, the CIA, and the US government...the Knights of Malta:

Homepage: History of the Knights of Malta.

Or have a nominee of your own??


Please Share if you care!


Akhenaten Discovery Changes History Forever! - Dark Journalist

The following video is a Dark Journalist presentation. In spite of my life-long interest in Archaeology and Egyptian Archaeology, I don't know what to make of it but perhaps you can figure it out! If so, let me know, would you?


Jude's Rhyming Ode to Codgerhood!

Do you know the signs of age-induced codgerhood? Senior status creeps up on us all eventually so perhaps the following Ode may serve as a useful guide for pre-codgers who only think they know what to expect!

When your eyesight starts to fade

and it's too hot in the shade

you're a codger

When you want a chair that's cushy

just to satisfy your tushie

you're a codger

When your meds are piling up

and Mylanta's in your cup

you're a codger

When the president's quite old

and his policies too bold

you're a codger

When you vote just like a trooper

though your country's in the pooper

you're a codger

When your knees are feeling weak

so a heating pad you seek

you're a codger

When your ears are awfully crusty

and your memory too rusty

you're a codger

When your BP's on the rise

to your doctor no surprise

you're a codger

When you once were very groovy

like a hip cat in a movie

you're a codger

When your beard is white not gray

and your eyebrows fade away

you're a codger

When your double chin's a beauty

and you sport a wide patootie

you're a codger

When your boyancy is sinking

and your feet have started stinking

you're a codger

When your skin is rather itchy

then your singing voice grows pitchy

you're a codger

When your Dotage Discount Day

makes it less you have to pay

you're a codger

When your cheeks begin to sag

and your grand kids think you nag

You're a codger

When your head's a little lightish

and your waistband's way too tightish

You're a codger

When your doctor is a child

and your nostril hairs grow wild

you're a codger

When your trying harder lapses

and you've lost a few synapses

you're a codger

When your eyelids are so twitchy

and your side is rather stitchy

you're a codger

When your standing is unfit

so you think you'd better sit

you're a codger

When your hair is getting thin

recognize the shape you're in

you're a codger

When you say just what you think

which makes everybody blink

you're a codger

When your face is very rosy

and your walking speed is mosey

you're a codger

When a crone they start to call you

and it doesn't really gall you

you're a codger

When your lobes are drooping low

so those earrings have to go

you're a codger

When your bed's your bestest friend

then it's time this Ode must end

you are most assuredly a codger!

There are lots more Ode-ish rhymes where these came from but you get the point--so get busy 'cos your Time's a-wastin'!

Submitted respectfully by Jude Cowell December 5, 2017 11:30 am est



Halloween 2017 Medusa Meets Cat Man

Medusa meets Cat Man!

And here's a pretty gaze from Medusa with the golden snakes...is that a little candy hiding?

Oct 31, 2017 Violet

And here's a younger Violet starring in a tableau from 2009 (Jupiter conjunct Neptune!) called Your Bubbles in Waiting Tutorial.


Senile Old Man Walks Right Past His Own Car for No Reason, Film at 11

Here's a July 5, 2017 segment from Thom Hartmann the beginning of which is heart-breakingly hilarious yet chilling:

His tiny 71-year-old finger is on The Button, folks. It's on The Button.

So which dumblehead in charge let that happen?


Sinkholes The Groundbreaking Truth - clip

Since 2010 the occurrence of sinkholes has increased and here's an explanation for your consideration:


Estrogen-Mimicking Enviro-Toxins Are Causing Cancer - video

Besides population control, corporate industries poison us so that transnational entities, Big Pharma, and the AMA can make billions off a population of people who are kept weak, ill, and under the thumb of government--and elite stock portfolios prosper:


FDA Approves New Drug For DMD Patients Despite Its Ineffectiveness - video

Now here's a disturbing report from The Ring of Fire concerning another 'fail' by our country's ineffective (fraudulent) Food and Drug Administration:

P.S. there are hidden entities who want Americans to give up on such a government agency and say, oh just get rid of the FDA, it's not doing its job. The FDA is not doing its job because of the infiltrators and agents of those very same anti-American entities!


A Georgia Guidestones Horoscope and the Hopi Prophecy of a New Age

Georgia: Mysticism in the 13th Colony, an Enchanted Land

by Jude Cowell

Since before the infamous Trail of Tears viciously removed Cherokee tribes and others from the region (for the sake of gold and US expansion), the area that is now Hartwell, Georgia was considered the Center of the World as were/are many other sites across the globe. A few miles hence lie what's been called by some "America's Stonehenge," the Georgia Guidestones--initiated in June 1979 by the mysterious 'R.C. Christian' and unveiled to a wary public on March 22, 1980 (horoscope, below).

Perhaps the pseudonym 'R.C. Christian' was meant to mimic the name of the alleged founder of the Rose Cross Fraternity, now known as the Rosicrucians--'Christian Rosenkreutz', as I believe it was intended to do. Certainly the radical ideas of the secret organization resonate with the 'New Age' ideas and political and social beliefs that are etched into the granite of the Guidestones and which promote a New Age of Reason. Some, if not all, of the Elberton enablers of Mr. Christian back in 1979/80 were Freemasons so draw your own conclusions there, as you wish. Certainly the men were accustomed to keeping esoteric and other secrets close to the vest.

Inspired by Enlightenment Guru Thomas Paine?

As you may know, 'Mr. Christian' published a Paine-esque book explaining his Guidestones mission and objectives and from its title, Common Sense Renewed (download available), we find a deafening shout-out to the Age of Reason (or, Age of Enlightenment) as signified by the Uranus-Neptune pair which last conjoined three times in 1993 on or near '18 Capricorn' with its disturbing Sabian Symbol of "The Union Jack" (or, "A British Warship...").

The negative/shadow expression of the word picture for '18Cap' reveals what some have envisioned peeking through the ideas engraved in various languages upon the Georgia Guidestones which promote a major depopulation of the world (among other disturbing ideas): smug or strong-armed paternalism. SUPERVISION is the keyword for '18Cap' in the Jones version (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology) while Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala describes it as: POLITICAL POWER. Either way, corporate Global Government only befriends the power elite class so to me (a native Georgian) the Georgia Guidestones' 'commandments' are anti-societal and reveal a draconian plutocracy agenda. Such ideas are all part of a centuries-old script, my friends, and no matter who wins the current US Election for president, the country and the world are stuck with the same old globalist script, no matter what the egomaniac Mr. Trump promises in his attempt to win the Venusian Oval Office. And Hillary Clinton? She obviously is a reader of the Global Government script and sold out decades ago as did the mainstream media.

So perhaps we should also consider the Uranus-Neptune midpoint at '18Cap' with transit Pluto, planet of power, wealth, stealth, and death hitting it off and on of late: the big picture commands a certain course of action, which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise. (Tyl). Might this describe an infamous 'offer they can't refuse'?

Now for your consideration, let's close this section with an excerpt from a page posted by some folks who visited the Georgia Guidestones in Elbert County, Georgia, in 1995 (my italics) which you may find interesting concerning the Hopi Prophecy and the Enchanted Land of the Cherokees:

The Hopi Indians and their ancient shamans say "signs" will foretell the time when the fifth world, a new age, will begin. Many believe we now stand on the threshold of changing events which will bring about the end of one world period and the beginning of another. Ancient prophecies state that when stone tablets are returned to the center of the world the new age will begin. There are varied interpretations in many different cultures regarding what "the center of the world" means and where it is.

Northeast Georgia was an assembly ground for the great Cherokee Indian Nation before the white man's greed for gold brought about the Trail of Tears. Cherokee Indian trails radiated in all directions from what is now Elberton, Georgia, and the Cherokee Indians held their Councils, their dances and their worship services of the Great Spirit there. They called the area Al-yeh-li-A-lo-Hee, the Center of the World.

Wonder if "Mr. Christian" was aware of the Hopi Prophecy about a 'new age' beginning when "stone tablets" returned to the Center of the World? If so, his and his Elberton enablers were only acting a mystery play as they pretended to consider other locations for the standing stones than where they were constructed upon Mr. Mullenix's hilltop.

A Natal Chart for the Georgia Guidestones

Since the videos I've seen of the March 22, 1980 unveiling show bright sunshine near noon or thereabouts, I've set the following horoscope for that date at the coordinates of the Guidestones (34N13 82W53) for an approximate hour of 11:00 am est. As you see, the Aries Sun is a day or so past Spring Equinox 1980 (did they miss their target date?) with a Gemini Moon all morning so we know the day has a Sun Aries-Moon Gemini vibe of Fire and Air, the 'live wire' combination of energies suggesting excitement, even nervousness, before and during the proceedings. Curiously, one of this blend's Images for Integration (Charles and Suzi Harvey, Sun Sign-Moon Sign) is "Haydn's Farewell Symphony"! Thoughts of the world beyond were apparently solicited that sunny morning by these mysterious hunks of Saturnian stones. Plus, the Sun Aries-Moon Gemini combo is known for its ability to persuade though of precisely what, you'll have to decide for yourself.

Please enlarge the chart to read my scribbled notes for this text will be brief.

Chart-ruler Mercury, planet of announcements, messages, and sight (an unveiling!), is in mystical Pisces and at Midheaven, the Goal Point, though Mercury makes no major applying aspects to other planets--other than a sextile to priestly Chiron (@10Tau59 and applying to goddess planet, Venus, which rules Taurus), with Chiron as the Seeker of The Quest. 'R.C. Christian' fulfills this knightly role or at least he thought he did. Anyway, A Mercury-Chiron sextile (60 degrees) suggests messages that "open new doors or stimulating ideas having to do with the process of self-transformation. It often happens that new input is not recognized as significant until sometime after it is received." (Chiron, Richard Nolle).

The Mercury-Chiron sextile also describes the architect of the project, the exacting Mr. R.C. Christian. 'Sometime after' is then, now, and in the future which is interesting since experiential Chiron The Centaur tells us to Be Here Now and orbits as The Bridge between planets Saturn (the past) and Uranus (the future).

Prominent in the Natal Chart

Now there are two angular chart factors that seem most prominent to me: a T-Square between the Moon-Neptune opposition which squares a 4th house Saturn, planet of stones, granite, monuments (including gravestones), and realism. Endings are also suggested which supports the themes of the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse in the 18 South Saros Series (the current series as I type on August 11, 2016); you see 'PE" in the 9th house of Philosophy with details penned, upper right.

Also see lower right for Saturn notes and the transit of 1980 Saturn to US natal Neptune, planet of such things as: dreams, visions, illusions, the media, propaganda, toxins, negative escapism, and the masses. This is the grim reality vs dream come true transit and indicates Mr. Christian pouring an idealistic vision of Neptune into Saturnian stone thus bringing his dream into reality.

Penned on the chart in green is a second chart factor of importance: the Venus-Neptune midpoint at Midheaven which we may be tempted to dismiss since the MC isn't 'set in stone' (sorry!) since '11:00 am" is only a speculative hour. Still, this midpoint did pass over the scene at 11:00 am whether the ceremony began at that hour or not, and given the Rosicrucian link to planet Venus, the goddess planet whose flower is the rose, we might expect that the midpoint between lady Venus and Neptune, planet of illusion and mysticism, hints rather loudly at goddess idolatry and may denote other esoteric, pagan leanings associated with ancient megalithic sites such as Stonehenge in the form of Druidism.


Illustration, above: Spooky Moon with Fairy (c) a mystical drawing by Jude Cowell and check out my new Astrology blog if you wish: Jude Cowell Astrology where No Politics or politicians are allowed!