
Save the Rainforests or else!


Edge of Petrified Forest, a drawing in honor of denuded forests everywhere - this forest looks rather lonely and sad, doesn't it?

Well, there is something we all could use and that's keeping global rainforests alive and well so the earth can breathe! And lush rainforests have many other benefits for humankind and the animal kingdom as well.

Check out the UK's Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, as he speaks about it in a video that exhorts us to Save the Rainforests.

Then there's the Pachamama Alliance, an organization that does great work all over the place and alerts people to the issues of a what a world without rainforests would be and how serious we must become in our efforts to save them.

As a child I loved nothing better than drawing.

But that was after a day of my other love, running through the forests - 'woods' we called them in Georgia - along old Indian trails, jumping over wayward rattlesnakes coiled on the path, and generally being a wild child on what I dubbed 'safaris' leading my neighborhood friends who had no better sense than to follow me! I ran the fastest, you see, and was quite fearless, though you wouldn't guess it now.

Drawing trees and plants around my parents' yard was a biggie, too, for both my parents were good gardeners which was very inspiring to a child who loved to draw.

Perhaps somewhere in an old sketchbook there may lurk a drawing of a Sweet Gum tree which was a favorite effort of mine for years. And of course, we loved to have Sweet Gum ball battles where we'd throw the spiky little orbs as hard as we could at each other. Ouch! What good aim you have!

Fastforward to today and I still love to draw trees and the occasional forest, and the idea of a world without rainforests is not a future I can or want to face.

Now how about you? Hugged, drawn, or better yet - saved - a tree lately?


Pumpkins: October 2009


Photo: mantlepiece pumpkin by Maya whose favorite pie is Pumpkin Pie.

Once upon a time in high school I had a good friend name of Terry Burger who grew up to become a newspaper reporter in Pennsylvania and an excellent writer who beguiles us this October with tales of Pumpkins, Ahoy!

In America, everyone loves a good pumpkin regaling and perhaps even better, amazing pumpkin photos which are included in Terry's article. And I have it on good authority that no pumpkins were harmed in the penning of his article which is more than I can say for that orange fright-mask pumpkin you carved to greet - or dissuade - visitors who dare to approach your front porch!

Even so, heavy on the nutmeg please, for I'm including Paula Deen's Pumpkin Pie recipe to give you a hint of an idea of what you should be doing instead of reading blogs, a past time that won't waft delicious flavors through the air from your kitchen no matter how delicately you bake it...




Living in Washington DC

My daughter Maya, born in Washington DC as was my son, has written a 'memory lane post' with photos of when my family lived in DC on D St. NE. She found a photo of the house we lived in which has been painted different colors now, a treat for me to see.

If you wish, check out the comments after her post where I add some details that only a grown-up could know for Maya was a mere 4 years old in the picture! Maybe her post has something to do with daughter Violet turning 4 in a few days.

Thanks, Maya, all the muches for the memories!

Violet, hurrayyy! photo by Maya


Reading other people's diaries: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

You have permission, so have you read Diary of a Wimpy Kid yet?

It's on the New York Times bestseller list so I thought maybe you had.



Brett Dennen on 'Heaven' interview w/ music - Billboard video

Couldn't resist adding this interview which is interspersed over a video of Brett Dennen singing 'Heaven' live with guitar and keyboard - even though it was only yesterday that I published the tune itself (through a photo slideshow video from YouTube) on SO'W.

So with this particular posting of the song, I am now surrounded by 'Heaven' and I appreciate it very very much.

And if the Good News, can't 'go viral' (as they say in today's parlance), then I am compelled to ask you: what ever should?


A Wild Animal necktie makes you say, Rrraowrrrrr!

Zeeks! Confession: I am getting a bit more into necktie designing mode and have just converted one of my wild animal designs Predator at Dusk into a mens or ladies fashion necktie, if you're feeling a bit on the artsy-slinky side while dressing for something special, or if your old suits need perking.

Predator at Dusk is the first non-Dreamyfish Art image in my Zazzle Art Store so drop by to browse when you may...you'll see I've gone from fish to tiger! And I may try the tigery Predator design as a Mousepad image, too.

'He' won't be too scary, I think, even though it will be a Cat vs Mouse situation...



Have you seen my Polka dot boxfish?

My new portrait of a Polka dot boxfish is around here some place...have you seen the spotted little guy?


Breast Cancer Awareness Month: buy yarn, Save the Ta-tas!

If you purchase this scrumptious handspun yarn, my daughter Maya, who spun and dyed it a gorgeous pink, will donate 100% of the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Now that's a win-win situation!