Showing posts with label cat videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat videos. Show all posts


'Henri 3 Le Vet' (video) and Blogger blog redirects

At last this blog has been rescued from its recent redirect attack. For those who have a similar problem with a Blogger blog, try removing all widgets from your Layout such as Blogger's 'Recent Comments' or 'Recent Posts'. Clear your browser cache in between. This did it for 2 Hours anyway.

My thanks to skyewriter for giving me a heads-up on a handy fix-it page with info that Blogger won't tell us.

And now, bravely fighting back a paralyzing disdain for all blogosphere endeavors, I hereby embed the 3rd video from the irrascibly brilliant Henri series of feline existentionalism sagas, Henri 3 Le Vet. Enjoy. But stay very very cool. Wearing black may help...beret optional:

Watch Henri Paw de deux.


Henri 2, Paw de Deux - brilliant! (video)

If you've ever suspected your cat of harboring existentialist views within, the following video may confirm it...or not...who cares, right? Hey, doesn't Henri rhyme with ennui?


Kittens Prefer Smoothies video

Well, maybe there's only one kitten that prefers smoothies. No studies have been done that I know of, but check out this video of my daughter's kitten Roxie enjoying a delicious smoothie made with fruits and spinach!

You'll see Roxie in the blog's banner, too, all stretched out with a special admirer on her case - an admirer who thinks she's a cat...
