Showing posts with label The Enlightenment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Enlightenment. Show all posts


'New' Old Music from Herr Mozart premieres!

By now you've heard that two pieces of long-unheard music composed by Amadeus Mozart have been discovered and were premiered in Austria yesterday! The compositions were written in his very early days so perhaps I should type 'never-heard music' but anyway, this is very exciting news for this particular Mozart music lover, and it confirms for the doubting Mozart's rank as the prime prodigy of his day (or perhaps of any day, imo.)

You'll find that Wikipedia's entry, Mozart and Freemasonry, gives details of Herr Mozart's membership in an Illuminati-inspired branch of Freemasonry in Vienna, Austria, where Maestro Mozart was first admitted as an apprentice on Dec 14, 1784.

His "on loan from God" musical talent made him popular in all the lodges! When you think, Illuminati, think, The Enlightenment.

Also there's another Wiki entry on a famous and solemn composition for the Brotherhood in memory of two Masonic aristocratic friends of Mozart, Maurerische Trauermusik, if you'd care to nab a peek.

And if you're a Mozart fan, check out the excellent Mozart Project just to keep up with the maestro.

Funny, but I just noticed that my title for this post represents the ongoing opposition between Saturn (old; the past) and Uranus (new; the future) under which all on Earth now labor, so this tuneful 'time capsule' has been appropriately opened and revealed, I'd say, as one of the kinder expression of the antithetical duo, Saturn and Uranus as the past enters the future!


Image: pencil portrait, Herr Mozart, by jude cowell 2009+