
'Henri 3 Le Vet' (video) and Blogger blog redirects

At last this blog has been rescued from its recent redirect attack. For those who have a similar problem with a Blogger blog, try removing all widgets from your Layout such as Blogger's 'Recent Comments' or 'Recent Posts'. Clear your browser cache in between. This did it for 2 Hours anyway.

My thanks to skyewriter for giving me a heads-up on a handy fix-it page with info that Blogger won't tell us.

And now, bravely fighting back a paralyzing disdain for all blogosphere endeavors, I hereby embed the 3rd video from the irrascibly brilliant Henri series of feline existentionalism sagas, Henri 3 Le Vet. Enjoy. But stay very very cool. Wearing black may help...beret optional:

Watch Henri Paw de deux.


'Perception' and its interactive billboard in NYC!!

Have you caught the new TV show Perception starring Eric McCormick? I love it! Check out this video on the show's interactive billboard in NYC: