
Are Ancient Grains Really Better For You? - video

Back in the day, I used to cook and bake with spelt flour because I was told it's more easily digested and, as my family discovered, it made tastier bread. Here's an interesting video on ancient grains such as spelt:


Queen Katherine Parr (1512--1548) - video

As you know, Katherine (aka, Catherine) Parr was the sixth and final wife of Henry VIII and she actually survived him! She also helped raise his children and she was, in my estimation, fortunate to have found her!

The Deal with Fat - video (triglycerides and such)

You know how we've been told for years that fat is bad? Well, now it's supposed to be good! Maybe there are clues to clear up the conundrum hidden within the chemistry of fat:

Annoyingly, I've lost track of it now but last year I read an article that argued that fat causes diabetes not glucose! How's that for a mind scramble? First they tell us one thing, then they tell us another. Like, Coffee is bad! bad! But nowadays coffee is allegedly good for you (says the coffee industry). Or, does caffeinated coffee activate the stress hormone cortisol and lead to obesity? We can be certain that fat metabolism is involved!


Astrology Chart of David Bowie - David Cochrane

Here is another interesting astrological presentation from David Cochrane: